Saturday, May 19, 2012


So I'm very behind. 52 books in year is one book a week. It's been 20 weeks, and I've read 7 books. I should have read 14 more!!
This summer is not promising a lot of free time for me to catch up either- I have a college-level writing course beginning Monday, nannying up to 3 days a week, completing trigonometry over the summer, finding colleges and scholarships, training my karate, working part-time, writing a novel each in June and August... What will I do??
So I'm posting here. Any tips? How to read faster? Whether to catch up in a crazy-busy short period of time or to just slowly get back on track? If I should just bail?
Thanks for your ideas- I need 'em!

1 comment:

  1. I actually started a thread in GoodReads about quick reads exactly for this reason! Good luck, and hey, if you don't make it to 52, you still read more than you probably would have. I think that matters.
